Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Web 2.0 tools

For my Education Technology class I have to find different 10 Web 2.0 Tools, describe them, and tell how I would use them in my classroom. So here it goes!

This is an app that allows one to create a website for free.  This tool for creating a website is very user friendly and has a very professional look.  Pretty much anyone could use this.  This might be something I would consider using in order to create a classroom website.  I would post assignments and upcoming events and basically just keep everyone up-to-date.

This is any easy to use website where you can do exactly what it says "Find How". On the first page of the website there are different categories from travel to sports and many more.  Click on any one of these and you can find out how to do almost anything under that topic.  This would be a great tool for students to have since a question they ask very often is "how?".  They can refer to this page and search for their answer.

Stupeflix is any easy way to put video clips and photos together to create something great.  Want all your media from a special occasion in one video? This is the way to do it.  It is super easy to use and can be done for free.  Students could be split into groups and given different topics.  Those students can then gather photos and videos on their particular topic and create a presentation on it using this tool.

Tagul is a service that allows one to create their own word clouds.  They can use any words they want and there's so many different shapes to choose from.  Each user can create 20 different clouds!  This would be a great first assignment for a classroom in order to get to know your students.  Allow them to create a cloud using words that describe them and share is with their classmates.

Tux paint is a tool that allows students to be creative and draw.  This program allows the child to add sound effects and has a cartoon mascot that guides the child through the program.  This can be used with children ages 3-12.  Children in the classroom could read a book and then be split into groups of 2.  Each group would be responsible for drawing out a scene the way they see it happening in their mind.

TikaTok is a place where students can create their own stories.  They can create and publish them electronically or print them.  Once publish other students can view your students work.  Kids have wild imaginations and can be very creative.  This would be a great way to allow your students to use their creativity to create something of their own.

Most children absolutely love music.  They love to sing to it and they love to dance to it.  This app has tons of appropriate songs and music videos for children to enjoy.  This would be great to use in the classroom as a little treat for your kids.  You can even find educational songs to go along with a lesson.

Quibblo is a website where one can find already made quizes or create their own.  One can also create polls and surveys here.  It is completely free and very user friendly.  This is great for a teacher! You an easily post a quiz, survey, or poll online and have you students go their to take it.

This is a very easy to use site that allows you to create all types of graphs.  You can create line graphs, bar graphs, and many others.  Students could collect information from the classroom or maybe out in the world and use this website in order to display their data.  This is great way for them to be interactive with graphs and learn which ones display what data the best.

Questionaut is a short educational video game.  This game tests students knowledge of math, english, and science.  The object of this game s to travel through different stages in order to retrieve a friend's hat.  Children love to play games! Not only is this one fun but it is educational too and would be a great classroom activity. 

I hope this is helpful! 

Monday, October 27, 2014

As You can see the above article obviously discusses 5 different effects that the social networking world can have on a person.  These 5 effects discussed are taking pictures of food can be because one has an eating disorder, online-offline connections, having social networks as a result of loving yourself, the harmful side of Facebook, and the topic of self-esteem.  Basically some researchers decided to study humans behavior and interactions with the social media world.

As for the subject of taking pictures of food some researchers found that this could be a sign of the person having either an eating or a weight disorder.  I found this to be a bit bogus but as I read on I noticed that they said that this of course does not pertain to everyone.  I still don't quite understand how they came to this conclusion, but then again, they are the professionals.Another study found that teenagers who also connect with their parents on social media have a better connection with their parents offline.  They also said that social networks don't have that great of an effect on married couples which I can see.  But it all depends on how you choose to use it.  You don't have to let it influence you in negative ways.The third topic was saying that having social media accounts is a result of loving yourself.  I know this isn't true for everyone but I definitely agree that most people online have a deep infatuation with themselves.  Especially the people who post all of their infamous "selfies".  The topic of the harmful side of Facebook pretty much stated teenagers who use Facebook frequently are more prone to depression, lower grades, and psychological disorders.  That's what happens when you sit behind a computer screen all day.  Take a break!  But on the flip-side teenagers who use Facebook can also better show "virtual empathy", which is a positive.  The last study showed that a quick check to one's Facebook profile can boost their self-esteem, especially is that take a browse through their photos.  I might have to use this technique on days when I'm feeling a little down.

This article basically explains what social media is, who uses it, and what we use it for. This article also discusses the topic of social media addiction, which is a very real thing.  I tend to check my Instagram and Snapchat A LOT but I wouldn't consider myself addicted.. at least I hope I'm not.  Another issue discussed in this article is the fact that quite a few people say that social media has effected their behavior in a negative way.  My take on this is that social media is great and all but we can't let it define who we are.  Social media doesn't make you, you make it.  Remember that people.

In my opinion, social media is a great way of keeping up with, and allowing others to keep up with you.  From family, to old friends, and to new friends social media is the way to keep in touch these days whether through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or the countless others.  People just need to understand the correct ways to use it in order to positively influence theirs and others lives.

About Me

My name is Julie Ann Chambers.  I am from a small town in southeast Arkansas named Star City.  I would like to believe that is because it is where stars are made but, as it turns out, I am just your ordinary girl; whatever ordinary is.  My family consists of my mother, father, and older brother.  Sometimes it can be a little difficult but I love them!

I currently have an apartment in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, where I attend Henderson State University, with two of my best friends.  Since being here I have joined the sorority Alpha Sigma Alpha that takes up a lot of my time but brings me so much joy as well.  This sorority has brought me so many life long friends, and not to sound cliché, but sisters as well.  I'm not really sure how to make it through college without them!  I was also inducted into the Gamma Beta Phi National Honor Society last spring, which was a big accomplishment.  Snaps for me!  

But let's get to the main reason why I'm at HSU; to one day be an elementary teacher.  I am majoring in Early Childhood Education.  Whenever I tell people this most of them tend to say, "bless you heart", but the thing is, I actually enjoy children.  I was a nursery worker at my church back home, although the big reason I chose this profession was because I was involved in a program with my high school's EAST Lab called "MENT For You".  I mentored a girl through her second and third grade years of elementary school and that's when the light bulb went off.  I should be a teacher!  But I do think that my long-term goal is to eventually be a counselor at an elementary school. (I'll be sure to keep y'all posted about how those plans work out)

Now I know y'all are dying to know all about my interests, so let's get to it.  I am pretty much obsessed with cats.  I have 6 at home in Star City.  Their names are Ivan, Trixie, Molly, Henry, Asher, and our most recent addition; a little orange ball of energy named Chester Bob.  You may be asking yourself this question, and the answer is yes; I am already a crazy cat lady at the age of 19.  My other interests include hanging with the sisters and drowning in schoolwork! Yay!

So this is a blog about me, my life, my thoughts, what's happening to me and around me. Enjoy!